Friday, August 16, 2013


I was sitting in the coffee shop with my Dad
Drinking a cup of coffee, waiting to pick up my children
And I realized how good it is to belong to people
He gave the best years, all of them, 
For my Mom and me and my sisters and brothers
To care for us because we belonged to Him

There is a bond between us; a union of life
Part of my soul is inside of him
And part of his soul lives inside of me
I can’t explain it, but that is how it is
We belong to one another

The same is with my dear one.
We’ve been sharing love and joy and pain
Laughter and tears;
Children and grandchildren now
For more than 25 years
Part of each of us lives inside the other

I’d like to explain this to my children
But I’m not sure they would understand it
It might sound more like restriction than
Realizing part of one’s true self
Is to belong to another

But maybe when I am eighty
And we’re sitting at the coffee shop or somewhere else
They will see what I see now
How good it is to belong.
Maybe they’ll see it sooner than me.

An Old Soul

I want to be an old soul
And a child
An ocean and a brook
A mountain and a stone

I want my feet planted like roots
Deep in the bowels of the earth 
To be one and apart

I want my soul like a bird
Alight with every sight and sound
And breeze and scent on the wind

To know your thoughts 
Without knowing
To move like a river without will
As free as a child who skips
To the music in her mind
As steadfast as a tree 
Which grows in all weather.


The world needs rememberers
To tell us once again
Of stories some time ago
So that we can send our roots down deep
In the past we do not know

Of fishing and cooking and games once played
Of first steps early taken
Of crops and struggles and fears and pain
And making it through somehow
By remembering those who came before
Whose labours and laughter had served them well
That we might remember them now

We all need rememberers 
That we might finally know
From where we've come
And who we are 
And the way that we should go.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Silence

I seek for what is found in silence
The face I recognize 
Who sets my mind at ease
Who drifts through my thoughts
Separating the wheat from the chaff

I dwell upon the quiet
For it is not the absence of noise
But the presence
The presence of he who knows and is known
Who speaks without uttering a sound

I rest within the stillness
For there I find
I find myself waiting for me
Waiting to show me and
To speak my name

Dan Wills (2013)